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Roma elektromanyetik radyasyon, tvarditsa, Bulgaristan ile bir bölgeye taşındı

İhtilafın konusu (Özet):

Tvarditsa, Sliven Eyaletinde 14.000 nüfusu sayan bir Mnicipation (2011) bunların yüzde 15'i Roma. 70'in başlarında kamu yetkilileri, Tvarditsa'da yaşayan Roma ailelerini belediye mezarlığına yakın olarak şehrin eteklerinde bulunan bir bölgeye yerleştirdiler. Bu önlem, münhasıran Roma nüfusu ile ayrı bir yerleşim olan Iztok mahallesinin kurulmasına yol açmıştır [1]. Tüm yer zaten yüksek voltajlı elektrik pylonları ile çevriliydi ve kanser ve diğer sağlık sorunları riskini artırabilecek elektromanyetik radyasyona neden oldu - birçok çalışma şimdiye kadar göstermiştir [2] [3] [4]. Bazı durumlarda pilonlar, Roman evlerinden birkaç metre uzaklıktadır ve çocuklar için lösemi riskini artıran [4] [7]. İzole edilmiş, yüksek voltaj elektriğinin neden olabileceği tehlikesi hakkında sadece küçük bir yazıtları vardır. Çocukların pilonlara tırmanmasını engelleyebilecek herhangi bir koruma yoktur. Elektrik kabloları, mahallede elektrik şokları riskini artıran her yerde teslim ediyor [resimlere bakınız]. Yerleşimdeki zayıf altyapı, elektrik kablolarının neden olabileceği yangın veya kazalar durumunda ambulans veya itfaiye camileri için ek zorluk yaratır [1]. Sokaklar asfalt değildir ve kaldırımlar, trafik işaretleri ve ışıklar Roma mahallesinde yoktur. Özellikle çocuklar için trafik kazaları riskini yükseltir. Birçok hepatit A vakası dahil olmak üzere sonuçta ortaya çıkan sağlık tehlikeleri ile kaldırma sistemi [1]. Atıkların yanı sıra dışkılama, septik tanklar aracılığıyla tahliye edilir ve toprağı kirletir. Bazı durumlarda kanalizasyon, ayrışmış yiyecek ve plastik malzemelerle birlikte doğrudan yere boşaltılır. Roma mahallesine sadece 6 çöplük yerleştirilir, burada 2000 kişinin yaşarken, Roma olmayan yaşam alanında bu tür eşyaların sayısı daha yüksektir. Kamusal alanda küçük çöp kutuları olan durum benzerdir: Roman mahallesinde yoksuldurlar, çöp kutuları Roma yerleşiminden çıkan sokaklarda kolayca bulunabilir [resimlere bakın]. 0 Zavallı çöp koleksiyonu, mahalledeki evlere ve ana yollara yakın düzensiz atık depolama alanının yaratılmasına yol açar Yeşil alanı ve yerleşimdeki bitki örtüsünü kirletir. Dökümler, yerleşim alanına yakın atıklarla doğrudan temastan korunmayan hamile kadınlar, bebekler ve çocuklar için özellikle tehlikelidir. Avrupa Programı Romact Sakinleri, Roman mahallesinden kaynaklanan bir şehir danışmanı ve 3 sağlık arabulucusu da dahil olmak üzere gayri resmi bir girişim komitesi oluşturdu. Birlikte, atık yönetimini ve çöp tahsilatını ele almak için Tvarditsa'daki yerel yetkililerle bireysel ve halka açık toplantılar başlattılar. Yetkililer, en büyük düzensiz çöplükleri yerleşimden çıkardı, ancak daha sık çöp toplama sağlamadılar. Sonuç olarak, Yolda ve Çimlerde bulunan Roma mahallesinde başka bir çöplük ortaya çıktı. Yüksek voltajlı elektrik pilonları tarafından üretilmiştir. Sakinler, zorunlu tahliye ve ev yıkımı riski nedeniyle sorunu hiç gündeme getirmemişlerdir. Aslında bazı örnekler, kamu yetkililerinin sağlık tehlikelerini Roman ailelerini tahliye etmek için bir bahane olarak kullandığını göstermiştir-Roma'yı bir eylemde bulunmaya yönlendiren bir önlem.

Temel veriler

İhtilafın ismi:Roma elektromanyetik radyasyon, tvarditsa, Bulgaristan ile bir bölgeye taşındı
İl veya eyaletKüstah
Konum hassasiyetiYÜKSEK (yerel düzey)

İhtilafın nedenleri

Ana kategori:Endüstriyel ihtilaflar
Alt kategori:Diğer
Çöp doldurma alanları/Tehlikeli atık işleme/Kontrolsüz çöp dökümü
Su arıtma (kanalizasyon ve pis su artıma erişimi)
İhtilafa konu olan meta:Elektrik
Evsel atık

Proje detayları

Proje detayları

Yüksek elektrik pilonları, atık yönetimi ve kötü çöp toplama'nın Iztok mahallesinde yaşayan Roma üzerindeki sağlık etkisi hiç incelenmemiştir. Bununla birlikte, elektromanyetik radyasyonun sonuçlarına ilişkin genel çalışmalar, bu tür kurulumlar ile kanser riski ile diğer sağlık sorunları arasında bir bağlantı olduğunu göstermiştir [4] [5].

Elektromanyetik radyasyon (EMR) konusu, belediyenin çevre konularında bir uzmana sahip olmasına rağmen, kamu yetkilileri tarafından hiçbir zaman gündeme getirilmemiştir. Elektromanyetik radyasyonun etkileri bölgesel sağlık müfettişi tarafından göz ardı edilir - TVarditsa'da EMR'nin neden olduğu sağlık sorunları hakkında bilgi veya veriler mevcut değildir. Bölgesel sağlık müfettişi, Tvarditsa'daki Roman mahallesinde kanalizasyon kaldırma sistemi ve zayıf atık yönetiminin eksikliğinin sağlık etkisini hiç incelememiştir.

Roman sakinleri tarafından oluşturulan yerel girişim komitesi, elektromanyetik radyasyonun neden olduğu sağlık risklerinin farkında değildir. Atık yönetimi ve zayıf altyapı gibi diğer konulara odaklanmaktadır.

Nüfus türüYarı-kentsel
Etkilenen nüfus2.000
İhtilafın başlama yılı:01/01/1973
İlgili devlet kuruluşları:Tvarditsa Belediyesi, Sliven Bölgesel Sağlık Müfettişliği, Sağlık Bakanlığı, Bölgesel Kalkınma Bakanlığı.
Harekete geçen sivil toplum kuruluşları:Romact T.C.C. Avrupa ve AB Konseyi (ulusötesi işbirliği ve kapasite geliştirme)


İhtilafın yoğunluk durumuDÜŞÜK (Kısıtlı yerel örgütlenmeler)
Karşı hareketin başladığı aşama:Proje etkileri hissedildiğinde
Harekete geçen gruplar:Yerel yönetimler/siyasi partiler
Etnik veya ırkçı sebeplerle ayrımcılığa uğrayan gruplar
Harekete geçme şekilleri:Platform/ağ oluşturma
Savunuculuk; Gayri resmi bir yerel girişim komitesinin oluşturulması

Projenin etkileri

Çevre etkileriGörülen: Hava kirliliği, Atık taşkını, Manzara/estetik kaybı, Toprak kirlenmesi, Yüzey suyu kirlenmesi/su kalitesinin (fizikokimyasal, biyolojik) düşmesi, Diğer çevre etkileri, Biyolojik çeşitlilik kaybı (yaban hayatı, tarımsal çeşitlilik), Toprak erozyonu, Ormansızlaşma ve yeşil örtü kaybı
Potansiyel: Seller (nehir, kıyı, çamur seli), Gürültü kirliliği, Yer altı sularının kirlenmesi veya tükenmesi, Yangınlar
Diğer çevre etkileriİnsanlar ve hayvanlar üzerinde elektromanyetik radyasyon.
Sağlık etkileriGörülen: Kazalar, Bilinmeyen ya da karmaşık risklere maruz kalma (radyasyon vb.), Diğer sağlık etkileri
Potansiyel: Yetersiz beslenme, Ruhsal problemler (stres, depresyon, intihar vb.), Alkolizm, fuhuş vb. bağlantılı sosyal sağlık problemleri, İş kazaları ve hastalıkları, Bulaşıcı hastalıklar, Ölümler
Diğer sağlık etkileriKötü hijyen koşulları ve atık yönetimi nedeniyle salgınlar
Sosyoekonomik etkilerGörülen: İş güvenliği eksikliği, işten çıkarma, işsizlik, Sosyal sorunlar (alkolizm, fuhuş vb.), Kadınlar üzerinde olumsuz etkiler, İnsan hakları ihlalleri, Diğer sosyoekonomik etkiler, Geçim kaynağı kaybı, Doğal güzelliğin ve ilişkilendirilen yerel aidiyet duygusunun kaybı
Potansiyel: Yolsuzluk ve kooptasyonda artış, Yerinden edilme/zorunlu göç, Topraksızlaşma, Şiddet veya suç artışı
Diğer sosyoekonomik etkilerRoman mahallesindeki yaşam koşulları nedeniyle etnik ayrım, damgalama, ret ve ayrımcılık.
Zavallı altyapı, Roma mahallesini yatırım veya bina projeleri için daha az cazip hale getirir ve bunu az gelişmiş bir alan olarak tutar.

İhtilaf süreci

Projenin mevcut durumuFaaliyet göstermekte
İhtilaf sürecinde gerçekleşenler:Katılımcı mekanizmaların güçlendirilmesi
Kötü yaşam koşulları ve sağlıksız çevre hakkında farkındalık yaratmak
Varsa öneriler:Her yıl belediye, Tvarditsa vatandaşlarını içeren kasabayı temizlemek için bir günlük bir girişim düzenliyor. Roma mahallelerini temizlemek için seferber edilir ve belediye tarafından çöpü toplamak için plastik torbalarla sağlanır. Bununla birlikte, herhangi bir koruyucu maske veya eldiven almazlar ve bir kez daha sağlık tehlikelerine maruz kalırlar.
Ayrıca, yerel yetkililer Roman yerleşiminden en büyük düzensiz çöplük çıkardı, ancak daha sık çöp toplamak veya kamusal alanda ek çöplükler ve çöp kutuları sağlamak için herhangi bir önlem almamışlardır.
Dahası, yerel yetkililer, özellikle Roman işçileri tarafından oluşturulan bir temizlik ekibine sahip, özellikle de belediye tarafından istihdam edilen, roman olmayan yaşam alanındaki sokakları temizlemek için istihdam ederken, Roman aileleri yaşam yerlerinde atık taşmasıyla karşı karşıyadır.
Elektromanyetik radyasyonu sınırlamak veya Roman sakinleri arasında sağlık risklerini önlemek için bir proje yoktur.
Bu ihtilafta çevre adaleti sizce sağlandı mı?:Hayır
Neden? Kısaca açıklayınız:Tvarditsa'daki Roman yerleşimi, yüksek hava, gürültü ve toprak kirliliğine sahip az gelişmiş bir alan olmaya devam ediyor. Altyapı, yönlendirme dışı mahallelere kıyasla daha fakirdir ve sağlık tehlikeleri, şehirdeki ayrılmamış bir yerleşim yerlerinden daha yüksektir. Elektromanyetik radyasyon sorunu, belediyenin çevre sorunları konusunda uzman olmasına rağmen hiçbir zaman ele alınmamıştır. Yüksek voltajlı elektrik pilonları 2019'da hala Roma yerleşiminde ve yetkililer güç şebekesinin bir parçası oldukları için onları kaldırmayı planlamıyor. Çözüm, Roman sakinlerini daha güvenli bir yere taşımak olabilir. Bununla birlikte, böyle bir eylem, aileleri konut için alternatif çözümler olmadan zorla tahliye riskine maruz bırakmaktadır - şimdiye kadar birkaç örnek göstermiştir.

Referanslar ve belgeler

Referanslar - ihtilafla ilgili makale, kitap…

2. Substantion health risks,

1. Council of Europe, Romact program

3. EMF Pollution from Living Near Power Lines

Potential health effects of exposure to electromagnetic fields, EC 2015

World Health organisation

4.Childhood cancer and magnetic fields from high-voltage power lines in England and Wales: a case-control study, Oxford university, 2010

5. Potential health effects of exposure to electromagnetic fields, EC 2015

6. World Health organisation

Childhood cancer and magnetic fields from high-voltage power lines in England and Wales: a case-control study, Oxford university, 2010

7. Pylons and leukemia, BBC, 3 June 2005

Pylons and leukemia, BBC, 3 June 2005

Ek bilgiler

Son güncelleme28/09/2019
İhtilaf no:4368



Status of the streets in Iztok neighborhood in Tvarditsa.

The picture illustrates the poor infrastructure in the Roma neighborhood. It has been taken on 25 May 2019.

Streets in the Roma neighborhood in Tvarditsa

The streets lack of asphalt, sidewalks and trafic signs. The picture has been taken on 23 May 2019

Status of the streets in the Roma neighborhood in Tvarditsa

The picture has been taken in Iztok neighborhood on 22 May 2019.

Streets in the Roma neighborhood in Tvarditsa

The picture has been taken on 22 May 2019 in Iztok neighborhood.

Status of the streets in the Roma neighborhood in Tvarditsa

The picture has been taken on 22 May in Iztok neighborhood in Tvarditsa

Status of the streets in the Roma neighborhood

Streets in the Roma neighborhood lack of asphalt, sidewalks, traffic sign. In some cases sewage is discharged directly on the street. The picture has been taken on 22 May 2019 in Iztok neighborhood in Tvarditsa during a field mission

Waste management

Insufficient number of garbage cans located in a public area leads to the creation of irregulated dumps close to roads and houses. The picture is taken on 22 May 2019 during a field mission in Iztok neighborhood

Sewage removal

The Roma neighborhood in Tvarditsa lacks of sewage system. In some case sewage is discharged on the street. The picture has been taken in Iztok neighborhood on 22 May during a field mission.

Streets in the Roma neighborhood in Tvarditsa

Roma in Iztok neighborhood live in a neighborhood with poor infrastructure, on a few meters of high electricity pylons.

Status of streets in the Roma neighborhood in Tvarditsa, 22 May 2019

The picture has been taken in Iztok neighborhood during a field mission.

High electricity pylons in the Roma neighborhood

High electricity pylons without any protection for the inhabitants are located in a few meters of the Romani houses. The picture has been taken on 22 May in Iztok neighborhood during a field mission.

22. Waste management in the Roma neighborhood


23. Canal in the Roma neighborhood


24. Dump in the Roma neighborhood, 22 May 2019


25. Dump near Romani houses, 22 May 2019


28. Crossroads in the Roma neighborhood

There is no any traffic signs or lights on streets located in Iztok neighborhood in Tvarditsa. The picture has been taken on 22 May 2019

30. Building materials waste


31. Waste management


Sewage discharged on the street

22 May 2019, Iztok neighborhood in Tvarditsa

Green space and dump

22 May 2019

Green space and dumps


Public space and playing area in the Roma neighborhood


Playing area in a non-Roma neighborhood

The picture has been taken in the city center of Tvraditsa where live non-Roma.

Status of the streets in non-Roma living area


Public space in non-Roma neighborhood


Traffic sign in non-Roma neighborhood


Roads in non-Roma neighborhood


Garbage cans in public space in non-Roma neighborhood


Public space in non-Roma neighborhood


Public garden in non-Roma living area


Playing area in non-Roma neighborhood


Status of the streets in non-Roma neighborhood


Green space in non-Roma neighborhood


City center of Tvarditsa

Non-Roma living area. Romani women are employed by the municipality to clean the streets in the city center as well as in non-Roma neighborhood.

Walking area and streets in non-Roma neighborhood


Main road in the Roma neighborhood in Tvarditsa, 22 May 2019

High voltage pylons surround the neighborhood and are located on a few meters of the houses; there is a small dump in the entrance of the settlement.

Green space in a non-Roma neighborhood in Tvarditsa

22 May 2019

Dump in Tvarditsa, 22 May 2019

An illegal dump is located in the entrance of the Romani settlement, close to houses and roads.

Sewage is discharged on the street, 22 May 2019

The Roma neighborhood is not connected to the sewage removal system of the town. As consequence sewage is discharged directly on the street.

Streets in Iztok neighborhood in Tvarditsa, 22 May 2019

Sewage and garbage are discharged on the streets due to insuffisant garbage collection, garbage cans in public space and sewage removal system.

26. Waste management in the Roma neighborhood in Tvarditsa, 22 May 2019


27. Green space and garbage


Waste management

Public authorities in Tvarditsa fails to insure effective waste management in the Roma neighborhood in Tvarditsa. Lack of garbage cans in public space and insuffisant garbage collection lead to the creation of dumps in the neighborhood's outskirts. The picture has been taken on 22 May 2019 during a field mission.

Garbage removal in the Roma neighborhood in Tvarditsa, 22 May 2019

People leave their garbage at the street due to the lack of garbage cans located in public areas aiming to facilitate garbage collection. Garbage left at the street in direct contact with people and animals raises many issue related to health risks, especially for children.

High electricity pylons in the Roma neighborhood

High electricity pylons and cables are located at the streets in the Roma neighborhood without any specific measures for preventing accidents, except a sign and inscription on the pylon. The picture has been taken on 22 May 2019 during a field mission in Iztok neighborhood.

Dump in the Roma neighborhood

The picture has been taken during a field mission on 22 May 2019 in Iztok neighborhood in Tvarditsa. It illustrates insufficient garbage collection leading to illegal dumps.

High electricity pylons in Iztok neighhood

High electricity pylons are located on a few meters from Romani houses. There are not any specific measures for preventing accidents or negative health impact of the pylons.

Non Roma living area in Tvarditsa

This area is located on 10 minutes walk far from the Roma neighborhood. The streets have asphalt, large sidewalks, traffic is regulated by signs, lights and crosswalks.

Status of the streets in the Roma neighborhood in Tvarditsa

The picture has been taken in Iztok neighbourhood on 22 May 2019.

Status of the streets in the Roma neighbourhood in Tvarditsa

The picture has been taken on 22 May in Iztok neighbourhood in Tvarditsa

Streets in the Roma neighbourhood in Tvarditsa

The picture has been taken on 22 May 2019 in Iztok neighborhood.

Sewage removal

The Roma neighbourhood in Tvarditsa lacks of sewage system. In some case sewage is discharged on the street. The picture has been taken in Iztok neighbourhood on 22 May during a field mission.

Waste management

Insufficient number of garbage cans located in a public area leads to the creation of irregulated dumps close to roads and houses. The picture is taken on 22 May 2019 during a field mission in Iztok neighbourhood

Status of the streets in the Roma neighbourhood

Streets in the Roma neighborhood lack of asphalt, sidewalks, traffic sign. In some cases sewage is discharged directly on the street. The picture has been taken on 22 May 2019 in Iztok neighborhood in Tvarditsa during a field mission

City center of Tvarditsa

Non-Roma living area. Romani women are employed by the municipality to clean the streets in the city center as well as in a non-Roma neighbourhood.

Streets in the Roma neighbourhood in Tvarditsa

Roma in Iztok neighborhood live in a neighborhood with poor infrastructure, on a few meters of high electricity pylons.

Streets in the Roma neighbourhood in Tvarditsa

The streets lack of asphalt, sidewalks and trafic signs. The picture has been taken on 23 May 2019

Garbage removal in the Roma neighborhood in Tvarditsa, 22 May 2019

People leave their garbage at the street due to the lack of garbage cans in public areas aiming to facilitate garbage collection. Garbage left at the street , in direct contact with people and animals raises many health hazards, especially for children.

Dump in the Roma neighbourhood

The picture has been taken during a field mission on 22 May 2019 in Iztok neighbourhood in Tvarditsa. It illustrates insufficient garbage collection leading to irregular dumps.

High electricity pylons in Iztok neighbourhood

High electricity pylons are located on a few meters from Romani houses. There are not any specific measures for preventing accidents or negative health impact of the pylons.

High electricity pylons in the Roma neighbourhood

High electricity pylons without any protection for the inhabitants are located in a few meters from the Romani houses. The picture has been taken on 22 May in Iztok neighbourhood during a field mission.

22. Waste management in the Roma neighborhood


24. Dump in the Roma neighbourhood, 22 May 2019


25. Dump near Romani houses, 22 May 2019


Public space and playing area in the Roma neighbourhood


26. Waste management in the Roma neighbourhood in Tvarditsa, 22 May 2019


27. Green space pollution


28. Crossroads in the Roma neighbourhood

There is no any traffic signs or lights on streets located in Iztok neighbourhood in Tvarditsa. The picture has been taken on 22 May 2019

30. Building materials waste


31. Waste management


Sewage discharged on the street

22 May 2019, Iztok neighbourhood in Tvarditsa

Green space pollution

22 May 2019

Green space pollution


Playing area in a non-Roma neighbourhood

The picture has been taken in the city center of Tvraditsa where live non-Roma.

Status of the streets in non-Roma living area


Green space in a non-Roma neighbourhood in Tvarditsa

22 May 2019

Non Roma living area in Tvarditsa

This area is located on 10 minutes walk far from the Roma neighbourhood. The streets are paved, have large sidewalks, traffic is regulated by signs, lights and crosswalks.

Public space in non-Roma neighbourhood


Traffic sign in non-Roma neighbourhood


Roads in non-Roma neighbourhood


Garbage cans in public space in non-Roma neighbourhood


Dump in Tvarditsa, 22 May 2019

An irregular dump is located in the entrance of the Romani settlement, close to houses and roads.

Public space in non-Roma neighbourhood


Public garden in non-Roma living area


Playing area in non-Roma neighbourhood


Status of the streets in non-Roma neighbourhood


Green space in non-Roma neighbourhood


Main road in the Roma neighborhood in Tvarditsa, 22 May 2019

High voltage pylons surround the neighbourhood and are located on a few meters of the houses; there is a small dump in the entrance of the settlement.

Streets in Iztok neighbourhood in Tvarditsa, 22 May 2019

Sewage and garbage are discharged on the streets due to insuffisant garbage collection, lack of garbage cans in public space and sewage removal system.

Sewage is discharged on the street, 22 May 2019

The Roma neighbourhood is not connected to the sewage removal system of the town. As consequence sewage is discharged directly on the street.

23. Canal in the Roma neighbourhood

The picture has been taken on 22 May in Iztok neighbourhood in Tvarditsa

Status of the streets in Iztok neighbourhood in Tvarditsa.

The picture illustrates the poor infrastructure in the Roma neighborhood. It has been taken on 25 May 2019.

Waste management

Public authorities in Tvarditsa fails to insure effective waste management in the Roma neighbourhood in Tvarditsa. Lack of garbage cans in public space and insuffisant garbage collection lead to the creation of dumps in the neighbourhood's outskirts. The picture has been taken on 22 May 2019 during a field mission.

Walking area and streets in non-Roma neighbourhood


High electricity pylons in the Roma neighbourhood

High electricity pylons and cables are located at the streets in the Roma neighborhood without any specific measures for preventing accidents, except a sign and inscription on the pylon. The picture has been taken on 22 May 2019 during a field mission in Iztok neighborhood.

Status of streets in the Roma neighbourhood in Tvarditsa, 22 May 2019

The picture has been taken in Iztok neighbourhood during a field mission.

Streets in the Roma neighborhood in Tvarditsa

The picture has been taken on 22 May 2019 in Iztok neighborhood.

Status of the streets in the Roma neighborhood in Tvarditsa

The picture has been taken on 22 May in Iztok neighborhood in Tvarditsa

Status of the streets in the Roma neighborhood in Tvarditsa

The picture has been taken in Iztok neighborhood on 22 May 2019.

22. Waste management in the Roma neighborhood


23. Canal in the Roma neighborhood


Garbage collection in the Roma settlement

22 May 2019

Waste management in the Roma neighbourhood

22 May 2019

Waste management

Public authorities in Tvarditsa fails to insure effective waste management in the Roma neighborhood in Tvarditsa. The picture has been taken on 22 May 2019 during a field mission.

Main road in the Roma neighborhood in Tvarditsa, 22 May 2019

High voltage pylons surround the neighborhood and are located on a few meters of the houses; there is a small dump in the entrance of the settlement.

Dump in Tvarditsa, 22 May 2019

An unregulated dump is located in the entrance of the Romani settlement, close to houses and roads.

Sewage is discharged on the street, 22 May 2019

The Roma neighbourhood is not connected to the sewage removal system of the town. As consequence sewage is discharged directly on the street.

Streets in Iztok neighborhood in Tvarditsa, 22 May 2019

Sewage and garbage are discharged on the streets due to insuffisant garbage collection, lack of garbage cans in public space and sewage removal system.

Status of streets in the Roma neighborhood in Tvarditsa, 22 May 2019

The picture has been taken in Iztok neighborhood during a field mission.

Green space and dumps

Dumps are located on a few meters far from Romani houses and streets polluting the soil and green space around.

Garbage removal in the Roma neighborhood in Tvarditsa, 22 May 2019

People leave their garbage at the street due to the lack of garbage cans located in public areas aiming to facilitate garbage collection. Garbage left at the street in direct contact with people and animals raises many issue related to health risks, especially for children.

21. Garbage overflow in the Roma neighbourhood in Tvarditsa

The picture has been taken in Iztok neighbourhood in Tvarditsa on 22 May 2019.

High electricity pylons in Iztok neighhood

High electricity pylons are located on a few meters from Romani houses. There are not any specific measures for preventing accidents or negative health impact of the pylons.

High electricity pylons in the Roma neighborhood

High electricity pylons without any protection for the inhabitants are located in a few meters of the Romani houses. The picture has been taken on 22 May in Iztok neighborhood during a field mission.

27. Green space and garbage


28. Crossroads in the Roma neighborhood

There is no any traffic signs or lights on streets located in Iztok neighborhood in Tvarditsa. The picture has been taken on 22 May 2019

30. Building materials waste


Status of the streets in the Roma neighborhood

Streets in the Roma neighborhood lack of asphalt, sidewalks, traffic sign. In some cases sewage is discharged directly on the street. The picture has been taken on 22 May 2019 in Iztok neighborhood in Tvarditsa during a field mission

Sewage removal

The Roma neighborhood in Tvarditsa lacks of sewage system. In some case sewage is discharged on the street. The picture has been taken in Iztok neighborhood on 22 May during a field mission.

Status of the streets in Iztok neighborhood in Tvarditsa.

The picture illustrates the poor infrastructure in the Roma neighborhood. It has been taken on 25 May 2019.

Streets in the Roma neighborhood in Tvarditsa

The streets lack of asphalt, sidewalks and trafic signs. The picture has been taken on 23 May 2019

Status of the streets in the Roma neighborhood in Tvarditsa

The picture has been taken in Iztok neighborhood on 22 May 2019.

Streets in the Roma neighborhood in Tvarditsa

The picture has been taken on 22 May 2019 in Iztok neighborhood.

Status of the streets in the Roma neighborhood in Tvarditsa

The picture has been taken on 22 May in Iztok neighborhood in Tvarditsa

Status of the streets in the Roma neighborhood

Streets in the Roma neighborhood lack of asphalt, sidewalks, traffic sign. In some cases sewage is discharged directly on the street. The picture has been taken on 22 May 2019 in Iztok neighborhood in Tvarditsa during a field mission

Sewage removal

The Roma neighborhood in Tvarditsa lacks of sewage system. In some case sewage is discharged on the street. The picture has been taken in Iztok neighborhood on 22 May during a field mission.

Waste management

Public authorities in Tvarditsa fails to insure effective waste management in the Roma neighborhood in Tvarditsa. The picture has been taken on 22 May 2019 during a field mission.

Main road in the Roma neighborhood in Tvarditsa, 22 May 2019

High voltage pylons surround the neighborhood and are located on a few meters of the houses; there is a small dump in the entrance of the settlement.

Dump in Tvarditsa, 22 May 2019

An unregulated dump is located in the entrance of the Romani settlement, close to houses and roads.

Sewage is discharged on the street, 22 May 2019

The Roma neighbourhood is not connected to the sewage removal system of the town. As consequence sewage is discharged directly on the street.

Streets in Iztok neighborhood in Tvarditsa, 22 May 2019

Sewage and garbage are discharged on the streets due to insuffisant garbage collection, lack of garbage cans in public space and sewage removal system.

Status of streets in the Roma neighborhood in Tvarditsa, 22 May 2019

The picture has been taken in Iztok neighborhood during a field mission.

Garbage removal in the Roma neighborhood in Tvarditsa, 22 May 2019

People leave their garbage at the street due to the lack of garbage cans located in public areas aiming to facilitate garbage collection. Garbage left at the street in direct contact with people and animals raises many issue related to health risks, especially for children.

21. Garbage overflow in the Roma neighbourhood in Tvarditsa

The picture has been taken in Iztok neighbourhood in Tvarditsa on 22 May 2019.

High electricity pylons in Iztok neighhood

High electricity pylons are located on a few meters from Romani houses. There are not any specific measures for preventing accidents or negative health impact of the pylons.

High electricity pylons in the Roma neighborhood

High electricity pylons without any protection for the inhabitants are located in a few meters of the Romani houses. The picture has been taken on 22 May in Iztok neighborhood during a field mission.

22. Waste management in the Roma neighborhood


23. Canal in the Roma neighborhood


Garbage collection in the Roma settlement

22 May 2019

Green space and dumps

Dumps are located on a few meters far from Romani houses and streets polluting the soil and green space around.

Waste management in the Roma neighbourhood

22 May 2019

27. Green space and garbage


28. Crossroads in the Roma neighborhood

There is no any traffic signs or lights on streets located in Iztok neighborhood in Tvarditsa. The picture has been taken on 22 May 2019

30. Building materials waste


31. Waste management


Sewage discharged on the street

22 May 2019, Iztok neighborhood in Tvarditsa

Green space and dump

22 May 2019

Green space and dumps


Public space and playing area in the Roma neighborhood


Playing area in a non-Roma neighborhood

The picture has been taken in the city center of Tvraditsa where live non-Roma.

Green space in a non-Roma neighborhood in Tvarditsa

22 May 2019

Status of the streets in non-Roma living area


Non Roma living area in Tvarditsa

This area is located on 10 minutes walk far from the Roma neighborhood. The streets have asphalt, large sidewalks, traffic is regulated by signs, lights and crosswalks.

Public space in non-Roma neighborhood


Traffic sign in non-Roma neighborhood


Roads in non-Roma neighborhood


Garbage cans in public space in non-Roma neighborhood


Public space in non-Roma neighborhood


Public garden in non-Roma living area


Playing area in non-Roma neighborhood


Status of the streets in non-Roma neighborhood


Green space in non-Roma neighborhood


City center of Tvarditsa

Non-Roma living area. Romani women are employed by the municipality to clean the streets in the city center as well as in non-Roma neighborhood.

Walking area and streets in non-Roma neighborhood


Waste overflow in the Roma settlement

The picture has been taken on 22 May 2019

High voltage electricity pylons in the Roma neighbourhood in Tvarditsa

The picture has been taken on 22 May 2019