Tematik haritalar

Mapeando los impactos de la minería para la transición energética en las Américas / Mapping the mining impacts of the energy transition in the Americas

Este mapa revela los impactos de algunos proyectos mineros de metales y minerales "estratégicos" para la transición energética / This map reveals the impacts of some "strategic" metal and mineral mining projects for the energy transition

Map of Airport-Related Injustice and Resistance

This online interactive map brings together case studies documenting a diversity of injustice related to airport projects across the world. It was developed in collaboration between the Environmental Justice Atlas and Stay Grounded.

Conflictos y daños en los proyectos de Pan American Silver en América Latina / Conflict and Harm at Pan American Silver´s Projects in Latin America

Este mapa revela los daños provocados por ocho proyectos mineros de la empresa Pan American Silver, desde México hasta Argentina / This map illustrates harms associated with eight mining projects, from Mexico to Argentina owned by Pan American Silver

Waste pickers under threat. New waste management policies undermine the informal recycling sector in the Global South

On the occasion of the Global Waste Picker Day, the Barcelona Research Group on Informal Recyclers - in collaboration with EnvJustice , the Global Alliance of Waste Pickers and WIEGO - releases a thematic map of so cio-environmental conflicts

Losing ground: How are India’s conservation efforts putting the local communities in peril?

A thematic map on conservation conflicts in protected areas in India reveals how the strict wildlife policies have undermined the rights of indigenous & local communities. It has been developed by the EJAtlas team in collaboration with Kalpavriksh, India.

Pushed to the wasteland: Environmental racism against Roma communities in Central and South-Eastern Europe

The ENVJUSTICE – EJAtlas team at ICTA - UAB in collaboration with European Environmental Bureau (EEB) and Human Rights activists releases a thematic map on environmental racism against Roma communities in Central and South-Eastern Europe.

¡Esto no Vale! Isso não Vale! Vale S.A. global operations lead to socio-environmental conflicts

On the occasion of the International Action for Rivers 2019, the ENVJUSTICE - EJAtlas team releases a global thematic map on socio-environmental conflicts in the world related to Vale S.A. mining and infrastructure projects

Blockadia: Keep Fossil Fuels in the Ground!

On every continent there is an increasing frequency and intensity of resistance movements against fossil fuel projects. These interwoven spaces of resistance are Blockadia, along the chain of extraction, transportation and combustion.

Global gas Lock-in Map

This map shows European gas resistance in the context of massive proposed new gas infrastructure that would represent a “Fossil Fuel Lock-in” for Europe and massive public spending through the publically supported “Projects of Common Interest” (PCIs).

Just Transition from Fossil Fuels in Australia

Actions and outcomes in activism for a just transition from fossil fuels in Australia

Mujeres Latinoamericanas Tejiendo Territorios

Este mapa muestra las afectaciones a las mujeres por actividades extractivas y su rol en la construcción de alternativas. Se incluyen apenas 22 de muchos casos que se evidencian en América Latina y busca difundir y potenciar los liderazgos de las mujeres.

Environmental Justice in Himachal Pradesh, India

EJAtlas collaboration with Himdhara collective. Despite the image of a "green state", the Himalayan state pursue increasing energy generation and industrial development by diluting laws and ignoring dissent.

Climate Debt

The overconsumption of the available capacity of the Earth’s atmosphere and climate system to absorb greenhouse gases by the developed countries has run up a climate debt to developing countries and Mother Earth.

Permanent Peoples Tribunal Hearing on Corporate Human Rights Violations and Peoples Access to Justice

On the first anniversary of the UNHRC resolution to address corporate abuses, this Feature Map updates the state of some cases presented in the Geneva PPT Hearing. More to be reported very soon.


Chevron is well known around the world as a company that systematically applies the "Polluter does not Pay Principle". This scholar-activist collaborative mapping project shows stories of communities reclaiming justice. #DíaAntiChevron

Fracking Frenzy

The high-volume horizontal hydraulic fracturing or “fracking”, generates serious and large-scale environmental and human health concerns.

Seed laws around the world

Under corporate pressure, laws in many countries increasingly put limitations on what farmers can do with their seeds and with the seeds they buy. This map gives a picture of of the situation across the world today.

Mining conflicts in Latin America

The mining conflicts featured map presents cases of mining conflicts related to metal ores, industrial minerals and construction materials mining activities. Metal ores present the largest number of reported cases.

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